01 November 2012

Political Dichotomy

Why do Republicans preach that the government should have no involvement in business? Why do Democrats declare that the government should have no say in individual's moral decisions? What is the purpose of government, what should it be involved in?

Why do Democrats say that the United States should not impose its ideals and culture on other countries (by opposing the Monroe Doctrine and dismissing the value of Westernization {that might a bit extreme, but I have heard it rather often of late}) but supports every state having the same morals, laws, and regulations? Why do Republicans try to push the American Dream and culture on the world but reject unification of state laws, projects, and programs under the national government (Romneycare vs. Obamacare for example)? If everyone is supposed to be the same why is it only at a certain level of humanity?

Seriously, I am really confused by these issues. On two big issues, freedom and unity, our major parties use the same rational to suggest opposite suggestions. Silly if you ask me.

1 comment:

  1. For your question, "What is the purpose of government, what should it be involved in?" you might like "The Proper Role of Government" by Ezra Taft Benson. I don't know how much of it you'll agree with, but I found it very interesting.
    It's a lecture he gave many times and can be found on YouTube or written out online. I found it here: http://www.latterdayconservative.com/ezra-taft-benson/the-proper-role-of-government/
