04 October 2011

Count Your Many Blessings

This was a stressful weekend, until I let myself rest. The Sabbath means a lot to me. It did not always. I remember one time, as a child, being so angry about having to get ready to go to church that I used the railing on my bed as a battering ram into the wall. My parents were not happy. I do not remember the punishment. I am embarrassed that I every felt so agitated by church. I also remember Eric telling me that worms were now able to crawl through the hole at night and that they kissed me on the lips while I slept (I still maintain I had the greatest childhood ever).

In an act of extreme mercy, this weekend was building up to be one of the most stressful of school so far. Of course it was also General Conference. I have decided that more and more I need to take each moment as it comes and people and adventures over rest and personal advancement. There are exceptions. Not going to Las Vegas was a difficult but important one. Our house was invited to attend breakfast and the Saturday morning session with some fantastic girls from our ward so I went to that. Then someone decided we should go up to Salt Lake City and watch the afternoon session in the Tabernacle. So we went up there. Then we found Merritt and several friends from Prescott (it was really good to see him again). Then we went to dinner and started heading to Priesthood session. We had two tickets and seven guys. By the time we got to the Conference Center we had seven tickets. They came from everywhere. Girls from Prescott, friends we brought with us from Provo, strangers as we walked. It was miraculous honestly. On the way home we stopped by the home of an old friend of Merritt. She fed us peaches and raspberries. Fantastic. Then we got home just before midnight.

Sunday was similar. We watched the morning session with the gals from the previous morning. We watched the afternoon session at our apartment from a projector Travis borrowed. Then we went back to the gals apartment for a fantastic dinner one of them (Zina) put together. Then went back to our place to set up Spiritual Sunday Cinema.

Things I needed to do on Saturday:
Study for an art test on Monday and memorize at least sixteen different pieces of art by name, artist, and date.
Research and write a paper on dance history. The research had to be done at the library.
Study for my geography midterm on Monday.
Find my wallet.
Find a date or make plans for a date this week since they fell through again...

Things that the Lord did for me this weekend:
My dance paper got moved back to Wednesday.
My geography midterm got moved back to Thursday.
I found my wallet in a pair of shorts I had worn last week.
I was able to get to sleep relatively early on Sunday and took several short naps while studying all morning and might have done alright on the test, though I do not know the results yet. Honestly, I felt like I made very basic and shallow points but I do not know if they were the points that I was supposed to make. But I got the studying done that I needed.
Plans for dates are in action.

He is a pretty amazing Lord. I do not know why things work out the way that they do, but it is a miracle. For that, I am thankful.

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